Waves Forever Cartoon finz.

These fins are for Waves Forever Yuichi's (You-Itchy) company. They are a a cartoon of a customers dog "Chame" for his Skip Frye that's in the works. Yuichi has done so much for me and Josh Hall's business. Japans surfers and shop owners have been introduced to us through Yuichi...so none of this would be possible with out his hard work and thousands of daily emails.....Thank you Yuichi for all you do for us!!! Aloha, Surf Ohana Forever..... Daniel
Check out Yuichi's website at http://www.wavesforever.com/

Paipo by Daniel...

I love doing these paipo boards. All the art work shown here is done by hand and burned on with my pyro-graphic burning kit. Great fun now off to the rising sun. Peace. Daniel

Restoration for an old friend....Ohana style.

I restored this Mike Casey 7'2 Channin chambered balsa for my friend Dixon. It was a good challenge worth doing...Dixon has had this board since the early 70's and was his only board back in the day. I thought the board needed to be loved up one more time and given a respectable place in Dixon's home. This board was more like a brother than an old friend...Dixon grew up with this baby...the board was featured in an add for Channin (see above). Michael Miller did all the glass work and it was not a simple glass....he had to fill cracks and reshape the rails....allot of love was put back into her. Surf on brother Dixon...with the wind in your face and the sun on your back. Peace, Daniel

Jeff McCalluem spoon.

These Greenough style spoons are probably the most difficult and challenging boards to make....McCalluem is quickly becoming one of Sandiego's most talented all around craftsmen. I never stop being amazed by what he pulls off....and he doesn't whine...unreal. DP

Skip Frye and Josh Hall exchange shapes.

They look happy to me....Ohana style. Positive. DP

Art burned fin work...

These baby's are going on two personal Fish Simmons that are going to be shaped by Michael Miller for himself and I. Really looking forward to the finished product. Check out Michael at
http://www.mmillersurfboards.com/index.html Peace out. Daniel

Pyrographic surf art.

This is my first OB pier and the art work inset is 17x13 The project took several days to complete and was a pretty good challenge. For more info email me at redfin40@gmail.com Peace. Daniel

Mandala shape for T. Warren

Interesting shape by Mandala...I love making fins for these guys! Daniel

Art Burnz...

Recent wood burns....too much fun. Daniel

Waves Forever...

6'9 Fish with Slant back Gephart and Daniel collaboration keels with Acid Splash and wood burned graphics. DP

NY's finest Clams...

Clams of NY shape with straight back keels....nice pac-man ghost logo. DP

J. Hall for T. Warren

Twin Keels made from 1/4 Marine Ply...go fish. DP